Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tips On Losing Weight

Tips On Losing Weight:

Do you want to shed some serious pounds?  Are you ready to “Dig Deeper?”  If you are looking to get back into shape, if you are looking to get back into running, if you are looking to higher your stamina or endurance, look no further than Insanity. Insanity is all about cardio, so if you are not prepared or not willing to get back into shape and start running, it may not be the best for you. However, someone who wants to be able to run back on the roads, consider you an Insanity challenger. Insanity consists of ten DVDs, including dig deeper and fit test, plyometric cardio circuit, cardio power and resistance, cardio recovery, pure cardio and cardio abs, core cardio and balance, max interval circuit and fit test, max interval plyo, max cardio conditioning and cardio abs, and max recovery. Every two weeks you take a fit test to prove to yourself that you have improved. Along with doing Insanity, I would suggest dieting. Try to eat more greens and fruits, and stay away from the soda. Don’t believe me? Here, see some testimonials:


“I have to say that this has been the hardest I ever worked out for two months in my life. I am now very happy with my self and I encourage others to do this work out. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember but now I am leaner more energetic and I can get out more and play with my 2 sons. I have a bad knee. And now that I have lost weight and inches off my body my knee doesnt hurt as much "only surgery will fix it". This is the best thing I could've done for me and my family. Thanks for everything Tony P. I am going to try asylum next. I am addicted. Me and my family are grateful that you put this together.”


“June 2012 will be 2 years I have been doing Insanity.....I LOVE it!!!!! I have lost a total of 30 some pounds but at the same time I have put on lean muscle. I feel great!! Before this workout, I was on high cholesterol/high blodd prssure medication......since I started doing Insanity as well as eating right I have been completely off those medications since. The only way Insanity doesn't work is if YOU do not put in the work. I feel stronger and more confident. Everyone at my work asks me if I have a personal tainer and/or go to the gym to get a body like I do. It is DEFINITELY a wonderful investment if you want to transform your body!!!!”


Now its your turn to get out there and DIG DEEPER!

Good Luck!


  1. Sean,

    I think your blog is very interesting and relatable. You even included other people's experience as well as your own. Those tips are very helpful. I had to do P90x. Which is created by the same people. The video makes it look easy but it for sure is not after a while! Some kids were throwing up it pushed them that far. But it is guaranteed to provide long-term results in the end. So all the hard work and effort is surely worth it! You absolutely need to be eating right for your duration of doing these videos. It has an effect on your overall results as well. Water is absolutely, one hundred percent mandatory! Staying hydrated increases your performance. These work out videos also have been approved by doctors and at times suggested by them as well. If you’re willing to put the effort it they can surely change a life!

  2. Sean,

    I think this blog was very interesting. I loved how you had more then one work out on there. And love how you showed some of the people that the workouts work for them. It also shows that anything you put your mind can happen!
