Thursday, March 28, 2013


Ever have so many things to do and either forget to do them or put them off until last minute? Yeah, me too.
Through out the years I've become a pro at procrastination and lately I've been finding ways to help me improve with procrastinating.

                                                                       First off..

By writing a to-do list, you now have something in front of you telling you that you have other priorities that do not involve sleeping or hanging with friends. This should also keep you motivated by having you know there are things that need to get done by certain times.
Keeping things organized makes things simple. Disorganization makes you want to keep putting things off, mainly because you either don't know where things are or because it's just to much of mess that you're afraid to tackle the task.
Distractions? Get rid of them! By having distractions you put things off most definitely longer then they should be.

Have self control! Tell yourself no when you put something like school work done for what we would call a minute.. We all know a minute means a day, and then a day means tomorrow. 
And lastly..
Do not over commit! If you have to many things going on and someone asks you to do something for them or to help them with something, instead of not following through or putting it off, just say no! It's okay to have a lot on your plate, but you don't want your plate to over flow.

I hope these tips help you like they helped me! Here are some other cites with more ideas and explanations.

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