Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog 3

Easy ways to stay in shape

To stay in shape everyone knows the gist of what to do. You have to eat right and exercise. But lets just say you have done that and nothing has worked. Lets say you lost 10 pounds after and few months and you can't lose anymore. What do you do now. Stop? Keep going? What you need to do is join a club, play a sport or order work out dvds.

Have you ever heard of Crossfit Training? Its training that is designed to train and mold your body to what you want it to be like. It combines cardio, lifting, lifting and cardio combined. My friend back at home use to be small and chubby and he was never fast when he was on the soccer team. At the beginning of my senior year he came back and he was ripped. He lost so much weight and replaced fat with muscle. And his game on the field improved completely. He was fast on his feet, he had the power to body people twice the size then him.

Watch this video and see if you are willing to do it.

If that made you not want to do it watch this.
As you can see its a triathlon of lifting, running, swimming, and bike riding. Some one said in the video "it is as much about heart as it is about effort". People do the CrossFit Games to compete and stay fit. Think of this when you play a sport you try to do the best you can. With the CrossFit games not only do they compete they get a work out at the same time. They are lifting weights, doing pull up, and being an absolute freak while competing so just thin of the most intense work out you have ever done and think of how sore you were the next day and imagine you doing a work out harder then that the day after. That is how it feels to compete in CrossFit. So like if you want a real work out join this club.

1 comment:

  1. Nick this is a great topic that you did, considering it takes a lot of effort and motivation to get in shape or get to the gym in general. You did a good job talking about the basics of whats good for you and how you should go about it. The videos are awesome, and a great motivation and goal for people to strive too. That story about your friend and how he turned around, just touching, it really gets right to your heart. Overall good story, great story. As for the Crossfit, those people are insane. Thats an extremely intense workout, it's amazing how those people are still able to walk the next day. Anyhow, good blog, and some great info.
