Sick of going traveling to the gym all the time? Sick of waiting to use a bench or weight? Do you think the gym cost to much money? Do you think working out is to expensive? In this post I'll give you some tips on turning your house and neighborhood into an in home gym.
Resistance bands (and latex resistance bands)are something that constantly finds itself near the bottom in sales, and I have yet to understand why. P90x has sold more videos than Resistance and Latex Resistance bands has in the past decade. Resistance bands are is something that famous workout gurus like Billy Blanks.
Billy Blanks being the inventor of Tae Bo, and an iconic symbol for people who wants to get fit; is someone who believes in resistant bands heavily. Something that is commonly used for not only strength training but also rehabilitation, resistance bands are something i advise everyone from 13 to 99 to invest it. They do not break, you could use them ABSOLUTELY ANYWHERE. And there are meant to strength not only the big muscle groups, but the little fibers and ligaments that most people don't usual use when lifting weight. It is also prove to not stunt child growth like weight lifting does. Also the fact that you wont find any type of resistant bands over 20 dollars. If you do, just know that its a rip off. Invest 100 dollars in it and buy all types of resistant bands, and you will get all the results and more that you do in a weight room, just as Billy! The weight room is a waste of money, especially when you are able to do and buy all the necessary things you need to get the same results out of a work and and more. This is also something that you could put in your bag/car and go to the park and do, and something that wont make marks in your house like in home pull up bars do. It is the ultimate workout invention.
P90X is something that requires allot of different equipment such as the P90x pull up bar, the P90x resistant bands, power stands and things such as that. All this stuff requires much space and much time, and most importantly, and update on the DVD each year. This something everyone has seen before, nothing uniqe and different like Bill's Bootcamp. Trust me I've seen it.
Not only resistant band are good, but a home medicine ball is an easy 50.00 dollar investment that could change your life.
Body weight vest are an ease investment as well. Its something you can run with and workout out with inside your home. You incorporate it with your resistant band workout. Simple things like push ups and sit ups would be much harder with this, not only that but you could also change the weight of the vest anytime you want.
My tip to you is to invest in these little things, and it will workout for you just as much as it worked out for your friend that went to the gym four times a week. You will be able to literally work out whenever you want.
If not, at least cut down on gym time, stop wasting so much money and put some money into this type of equipment.
I agree with you on this entire blog. Joining a gym two years ago was very expensive for me because they charged a start up fee of about $200. I can definitely say I got my money's worth out of it but at the same time when it expires this summer I'm not sure I can afford to renew it. Then there are those days over winter break when it is 20 degrees out and it is hard to push myself to drive there. You hate to miss a day but at the same time weather doesn't permit you to go. Having a gym at home is very beneficial. Like you stated, sometimes all you need is the resistance bands to get a good workout. Your body can be the most important machine that you use. Overall this was a great post and I enjoyed reading it. I'm now considering looking into Billy's Bootcamp if I don't renew my membership.
I agree with you on this entire blog. Joining a gym two years ago was very expensive for me because they charged a start up fee of about $200. I can definitely say I got my money's worth out of it but at the same time when it expires this summer I'm not sure I can afford to renew it. Then there are those days over winter break when it is 20 degrees out and it is hard to push myself to drive there. You hate to miss a day but at the same time weather doesn't permit you to go. Having a gym at home is very beneficial. Like you stated, sometimes all you need is the resistance bands to get a good workout. Your body can be the most important machine that you use. Overall this was a great post and I enjoyed reading it. I'm now considering looking into Billy's Bootcamp if I don't renew my membership.