No one likes doing homework. So to minimize the time in which you waste doing homework here are a few simple steps that you should follow.
1.) Go to the library. If you stay in your dormroom and you do your homework there, you will find that there are far to many distractions. You have the television, the Xbox, the PS3, your roommate, your friends, some people eat when they get depressed and when you do homework that is depressing. So lets save the whole sleeve of oreos for later.
2.) Don't study in a group. This has to be the biggest scam going. Let's be honest we spend twice the amount of time talking about everything but your assignment than we do the actual assignment. There should only be three times when you work in groups. One, the teacher assigned a group project, in this case you have no choice. Two, you honestly do not understand the material and you have a far more smart friend who knows exactly what they are doing. Three, you are trying to hit on a girl, or the guy that is helping you.
3.) If the assignment involves reading, don't read. Find an alternative. Go on spark notes, look for the answers online, or ask your friend. This world is far to advanced for us to still be reading books. Get the audio tape. It does not matter how you do the assignmnet as long as your answers are right.
4.) Stay on top of your work. Don't let it all pile up. Do a little each night and not a ton on one night. You know you still have to do it the whole time that you are procrastinating so it is like a cloud of depression hanging over you while you put your work off. Time to bust out the double stuffed oreos.
5.) The final step to getting your homework done faster is whenever you can base any and all writting assignments on something you like. This will make the process far more enjoyable for you.
Hi Ben. I laughed when reading your article and quite frankly, I 100% agree with just about everything you said. For step one, going to the library is a important key to getting work done. You don't really have any distractions there. While in your dorm room, you have your tv, phone, computer, etc. For step two, iv'e learned from experience that studying in groups also is a distraction. You can easily begin to go off topic. For step three, sparknotes got me through high school english classes. It was the easy way to read only the important stuff, and know it for a "pop quiz" the next class. Step four, when work piles up, it can take a toll on you. It can stress you out and keeps you from doing fun stuff at the end of the day. Overall, I thought you did a great job with this article!
ReplyDeleteBen, these tips are some great advice that can be helpful to a lot of people. A lot of people find it difficult to get there work done with all the distractions of college life at these tips can help tremendously. Your first one about going to the library is one that I fully agree with, it’s quiet and there are no distractions. You point about study groups I agree with to. In my opinion they are a waste of time and are more like social gathering rather than doing work. Like you said unless you need to or have to there’s no point. I don’t really agree with your third point but I do with your fourth. Letting work pile up is the worst thing you can possibly do. It creates and ton of unneeded wasted time and way to much stress that we would all like to live without.