My destination is not so much as a vacation, or rather as a place I would love to own, and make my own, so I could have personalized vacations. To start with my plan I would have to purchase an island. One that fits my requirements is called
Lazy Caye. This island is located in the Caribbeans, it has about 5.8 acres, and is located in a very good fishing spot. The island is big enough to build a fairly large house, and has plenty of room for activities in and around the island.
The island itself costs $650,000, after purchasing the island it would be necessary to build a house, and all of the fun toys that go with a house. The house I would build would be pretty large, preferably a castle, and that is going to cost a lot.
To give a rough estimate I researched a couple of castles, and found one that I liked the style of. The castle below was built in OakBrook Illinois, and is up for sale at 4.5 million dollars. This was built on normal land, and not across the seas, so I would make the assumption that it would cost at least 10 million dollars to build this castle on an island.

After figuring out the housing situation I would have to figure out transportation. The fastest and easiest way to get to the island would be via helicopter. The helicopter I would use, would be
this one. The helicopter would allow me to leave and come back whenever I wanted to, and probably be the quickest transportation to there. If I am going to get a helicopter though, I would need to get my pilots license as well. There's a company on the east coast that I would use just for
that. After getting my pilots license and having a house to live in, I would almost be all set, but I still need recreational activities. The island in the brochure that was selling it, mentioned that the surrounding areas are fantastic for deep sea fishing. Fishing being one of my hobbies back home, that would be an ideal recreation activity besides sitting at the beach. Fishing gear can get expensive, and I would also need a boat. This would be an ideal boat. Good speed, and plenty of room for fishing gear. It would probably cost around 40,000-80,000 dollars. Just to add on to the recreational side of things, I would have to get some jet skis to take out just for fun. Jet skiing has always been something I want to do, or to own one. To buy a jet-ski I would go
here. That would be one the most perfect and ideal things for me to do when I can achieve such wealth, and the grand total being around 12,620,000 being a rough estimate, I'll either need to hit the lottery or make a lot of money. I will succeed though.