In this video, you will experience the unboxing and comparison of both the IPhone 5 white and black and the IPhone 4S.
According to CNET, "The IPhone 5 is a good improvement over the IPhone 4 but not the 4S." The 5's average user rating was 3.5 out of 5 stars. Many customers complained about the Apple Maps App that took place of the original Google Maps App.
My concerns with the IPhone 5 are the new charger adapters and the need to buy a new case. The old chargers that were used on the original IPhone through the 4S were inexpensive and durable, not to mention that they were sold in every convenience store, grocery store and tech store. The new headphones design in my perspective is not the best. To me, these newly designed headphones are painful if you keep them in your ears too long. The old style headphones were more comfortable and relaxed when they were resting in your ears while listening to music.
According to Smartphones, the IPhone 5 was given a smart rating of 95.4 out of a 100. And the average user rating was 4 out of 5 stars.
Mac World stated, "Does the iPhone 5 live up to expectations? Unless you expected something impossible and miraculous, I think the answer has to be yes. It’s by far the fastest iOS device ever in terms of processor and graphics, and its support for LTE networking makes it the fastest iPhone in terms of cellular data transfer speed too."
This was my personal opinion and concern about the IPhone 5. I hope you enjoyed this quick and insightful blog!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, great blog! I'm sincerely jealous that you have the iPhone 5. I only have the 4, which I guess is better than no iPhone at all, but I could really use an upgrade. On the bright side, I can upgrade to the iPhone 5 next month! I totally agree with what you said about thinking the 4S was the greatest thing on the planet when you first got it; that was how I felt when I first got my iPhone 4. I was amazed by the technology and having everything at my fingertips. I had gone from a colorless pay as you go phone to my beloved enV one and two to a smart phone (which was a big but awesome step) to now having the world’s most incredible and profitable phone. Its crazy to look back and see how different all the phones that I have owned are. Now I don’t know what I would do without my iPhone and I’m not afraid to admit it!
ReplyDeleteThis blog is very interesting. Coming from someone who still has a blackberry, I find this blog a good insight on why the Iphone itself is such a good phone. I am also confronted with a lot of jealously when reading this blog. Having used someones Iphone before, I am always amazed at the speed it does everything whether its looking something up, connecting to the internet, and the life like apps that run so smoothly. Reading this blog so reiterated that times two when talking about the rating of it and the comparisons talking about how fast it really is. This is a good blog that really just makes me more and more jealous of people (basically everyone) that has the Iphone whether it be the first one or the last one. But until I can put an Iphone in my pocket and call it mine, I'm just going to stick to my blackberry. Nick work
ReplyDeleteThis is a great blog about the iPhone. I find this article very interesting! I myself have become a fan of Apple over the years. I got my first iphone last year and have fell in love it since. Apple has come a long way by making all of these very successful, user friendly products. I personally think that even though the iphone 5 is faster, I believe the 4s is better because I've heard that the battery life on the 5 is not as good the 4s. To me battery life is everything because I am on my phone all day just like every other teenager, so I need my battery to last all day. I do like the improved durability of the 5 with the harder shell around it to protect it better when you drop it. the 4 and 4s break very easily, so I have to give it to apple for making the 5 more durable! Im sure when the 5s comes out, it will be much better than the 5! Great Blog though! you gave a lot of important info about this phone for future users when they buy there own iphone 5.